Thursday, August 02, 2012

Chik-Fil-A F*ckery and How I F*cking See it. (in which I say f*ck a lot.)

You don't gotta see it how I see it.
Which is why it isn't called "How WE fucking see it."
If you see what I mean.

So, there are people who think this is a religious/morality issue...and those who think this is a civil rights issue.

(OH and then there are the fucking assholes who don't/won't to commit to a side so they call it a "free speech" issue. It's no such fucking thing, and you fucking know it. That company made a choice to publicly speak out against a minority having the same rights they do - because they believe they are morally superior. Yes, I will defend his right to say it. BLAH BLAH. That does not make it a fucking "free speech" issue.)

I do believe that where we will (as a people) be sharply (and somewhat painfully) divided - is on the question of choice. Are they gay because they choose (evil) or because they were born (fabulous)?

I'll tell you the truth: If I thought that gay people chose to be gay, I would gladly join the United Army of Churchgoing Spinsters (it's totally a thing) - because that would be beyond an earthly reasoning for me.
People choosing to be ostracized?
Choosing to go through fucking high school as a EITHER closeted or out?
(neither of those sound awesome.)
Choosing to be considered less than human or even less worthy of LIVING by many - sometimes by their own families?
Teenagers choosing to be harassed until they're so depressed that they kill themselves?
 I contend that you would have to have a good dose of Satan halfway up your fudgehole to make such decisions. (just think of all the gay friends I've had my whole life - choosing to be gay just so they can have all the attention!? DAMN, that's evil. Let me line up for communion. I'm converted. )

Those silly gays, magically becoming gay because they didn't accept Jesus Christ into their hearts.
(Seems a randomly placed punishment; pretty sure I should be a seriously masculine lesbian by my reckoning.)

Okay, so no.
You might get that I don't think that they choose it.
Maybe you could be convinced on that point someday.
No, it's fine. I'll wait.

And guess what?
In the MOMENT that you think that this is something that is in a person since conception - it became a civil rights issue. No matter what religion you claim. (Unless your religion's version of Jesus hates people who look or act differently. I've heard some of them are like that.)
I didn't want to make this a rant on religion. I still don't. but the fact that so many people use their religion to bolster up beliefs like fucking sickens me.
(You're not holding Jesus up correctly, and if you're not careful, you're going to drop him.)
With absolutely no reservations and no disclaimers, I am telling you that I consider this a civil rights issue in EVERY way. I take this just as fucking seriously as if a company announced:

 "We're not so much against blacks as we are 'pro-white'. "


Offy said...

Exactly. I don't understand why we, as a society, have to relive these same embarrassing things over and over again each time a different group wants to do something that everyone else does. It takes us 50 or so years and then the lightbulb finally goes off, "Oh shit, we should have been doing this all along." Not to rant about religion either, but holy shit there's been a lot of hating and killing done in the name of the Catholic Church. My version didn't have those chapters.

Jen said...

we fancy ourselves so much smarter than we were "back in the day" - and we're just not showing it. as a species.

Peau said...

it's infuriating.