Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Why I didn't respond to your message on (insert dating site here)" #3 - Thursday

Bachelor #1: "hi your profile and you look like fun and I thought I say hello and see if my profile and I look fun to you and your profile.... ;p"  
Well. I...wait, WHAT? 

Bachelor #2: The message was innocuous enough - just a "Hi, how are you?"  However, you listed "sex" as one of your hobbies - which is in clear violation of Section 7, Paragraph 3 of my profile. You also appear to end every other sentence in an exclamation. If this all sounds too picky, I'll just say - you're 24. I don't do that anymore. 

[BONUS] "Why I won't be responding to you AGAIN" Bachelor #3: You have the serenity prayer tattooed across one of your pectoral muscles. 

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