Saturday, July 02, 2011

things I think today.

- I need to stop getting recipes off Pinterest. I do not need 101 ways to work with Nutella or another potato recipe, and my ass agrees with me. (to be fair, there are a lot of healthy ones, too...but they just don't stand out next to anything oozing cheese and pesto, y'know?) The people on there seem to only post pictures of anorexic models, but judging from what they eat, they can't possibly fit in the clothes they are "loving" on their style boards. Just saying.

 - Bendy straws are nifty.

 - I do not like antlers in decorating, but skulls are fine. I also do not like the current hipster decorating trend of prints of animals wearing clothing.

- There are very few style aspects of the 70's that need reviving. So few that we should just forget they happened and move back to the 60's or the 50's. (I was going to say "no style aspects"...but I hate to close the book, here. I don't know everything about the 70's. Could happen, I suppose, but I'm not counting on it.)

- Frozen berries instead of ice cubes is pretty awesome in most of my favorite cold beverages (not iced coffee, natch)

- If I want to be a writer...I should really...write, and trust that the brilliant ideas will follow. (only small tinge of sarcasm when reading that, please.)

- I want a card catalog cabinet. I'll figure out what to do with it after I have it.

- Which do you think would make me richer: a toothpaste that doesn't ruin the taste of orange juice..or a cold steam vaporizer that actually made your room smell like rain? Mmmmm I would buy the latter.

- No, the picture has nothing to do with the post, it's just fucking awesome.

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