Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Dating Site letters....

Originally posted on LiveJournal, September 13, 2009. 

What kind of physical attributes do you have to have to give a guy a chance?

Yes I am married, no I'm not trying to hook up with you.

Well, "married but not looking to hook up"...

Ideally speaking (since you ask) - thou shalt not be:
Short, fat, red-headed, freckly, pig-nosed, or trying to cover over your baldness.
Ugly, is of course, in the eye of the beholder - at at my discretion someone may be deemed so based on other than physical factors, such as: ignorance, arrogance, pseudo-intellectualism, general social awkwardness, overly obnoxious religious beliefs, fundamentalism in any form, bad taste in music, movies, or books - and possessing anything other than complete disdain for Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck. 

regards to your wife. 

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